General Principles
The Program in East Asian Studies supports Ph.D. students in humanities and social science departments who are concentrating on East Asian topics for their dissertation research. In light of the extra demands of East Asian language study, the Program attempts to support an additional year of study beyond the five years funded by regular Princeton resources, provided that students demonstrate regular, substantial progress toward completion. Application materials for the first semester of support must be submitted by March 7, 2024. The principal dissertation advisor must also submit a letter of recommendation. Support for a second semester and two summer months is awarded only after submission of new evidence of progress (at least one new dissertation chapter) and a letter of approval from the advisor.
Our goal is to work with other units of the university to insure that deserving students receive up to one year of support from all university resources considered as a whole. If you are eligible for sixth-year support from your home department, or you receive sixth-year support from other units of the university (such as PIIRS or Dean’s Completion Fellowship/PGRA Program), then your EAS support will be reduced accordingly. We do not fund any students for a second year of DCE status, except for those who receive external (non-Princeton) fellowships replacing university stipend and tuition, thus adding one Princeton-funded year of DCE enrollment.
Students must be in good standing and receive approval for DCE status from their home department and the Graduate School. Students who have received sixth-year funding from PIIRS are ineligible to receive sixth-year EAS Program funding.
Normally, and to the extent our finances allow, we try to provide fees for Tuition and Student Health Plan (SHP) ($2,900 per semester) plus a Dissertation Completion Fellowship (monthly stipend rate TBA). Please note that initial applicants submitting two chapters receive funding for Tuition, SHP, and monthly stipend for the five months of the Fall semester. Renewal applicants receive funding (Tuition, SHP, and monthly stipend) for the five months of Spring plus two months of Summer. For students who only submit one chapter (rather than two) at the time of initial application, we only provide fees for Tuition and SHP coverage, not the monthly stipend; for these students at time of renewal, two additional chapters rather than one must be submitted in order to receive a monthly stipend in addition to fees for Tuition and SHP.
Applications and Deadlines
Initial application (in Spring for first semester of DCE status in the following Fall): March 7, 2024. Submit the following materials (via WORD/PDF attachments) to Richard Chafey, Program Manager, 211 Jones Hall: 1) 2-page dissertation summary, 2) 1-page table of contents indicating which chapters will be/have been finished when, 3) most recently completed chapter(s). Principal advisor must also submit a letter of recommendation by e-mail to ([email protected]).
Renewal application (in late Fall semester for second semester of DCE status in the following Spring): December 3, 2024. Submit the following materials (via WORD/PDF attachments) to Richard Chafey, Program Manager, 211 Jones Hall: 1) 2-page dissertation summary, 2) 1-page table of contents indicating which chapters will be/have been finished when, 3) most recently completed chapter. Principal advisor must also submit a letter of recommendation by e-mail to ([email protected]).
Out-of-phase initial application (in Fall for first semester of DCE status in the following Spring): December 8, 2024. Out-of-phase renewal application (in Spring for second semester of DCE status in the following Fall): July 5, 2025.