Chao-Hui Jenny Liu

Program Coordinator & Field Director
Office Phone
219 Frist Campus Center

As Coordinator of the East Asian Studies Program, I manage the Program's events and the East Asian Studies minor for undergraduates and compile the Annual Report and Newsletter.  I also serve as the Princeton University Shanghai Peking Opera Immersion Program Field Director.

After earning an M.Phil. from Cambridge University in Archaeology & Anthropology, I completed a Ph.D. in Chinese Art and Archaeology from the University of London (SOAS). My research focuses on the Tang dynasty (618-907 CE), especially imperial tombs near Xi'an and Luoyang. After receiving funding from the T'ang Society, I conducted GIS mapping at Zhaoling, the seven-kilometer diameter, 200 satellite tombs imperial mausoleum complex of  Emperor Taizong (598-649 CE). At Princeton, I have taught the seminars EAS 514 Reading Tombs in Ancient China (graduate seminar), FRS 193 Object Immigrants: Six Objects from China in American Collections (Freshman Seminar) and ART 369 The Arts and Archaeology of the Chinese Court (300 level seminar).

Before coming to Princeton, I was an Assistant Professor & Faculty Fellow of East Asian Art and Archaeology at New York University and a Visiting Professor at Hunter College. She was also the Research Associate (and contributor) for the special exhibition “China: Dawn of a Golden Age (200-750 AD)” at The Metropolitan Museum of Art and a researcher for the WWII provenance of Asian art at the Smithsonian.

In my spare time, I enjoy hiking, traveling, and cooking for family and friends.

Please sign up for office hours here.

PUBLICATIONS: Some publications are available in