The East Asian Library Journal, formerly known as the Gest Library Journal, ceased publication at the end of 2010. This journal was the first English-language publication devoted to studies on book culture and the history of printing and publishing in East Asia. Inaugurated in 1986 for the association of the friends of Gest Library, as The East Asian Library and The Gest Collection at Princeton University was known at the time, the journal grew to become an important forum for scholarly discussion of topics in the expanding field of the history of the book in East Asia.
As of March 2012, all past issues (1-14) of the East Asian Library Journal and its predecessor, the Gest Library Journal, are freely available in digital format at:
For a limited time, hardcopies of most of the individual numbers of the East Asian Library Journal and the Gest Library Journal are still available for purchase, as is one complete set of the entire publication run of the journal. For a list of of the contents of all journals published, from volume 1, no. 1 (Winter 1986) through volume 14, no. 2 (Autumn 2010), and an order form, please see the attached PDF files below. To place an order, please mail the order form, along with your payment, to the
With any inquiries, feel free to contact the East Asian Studies Program Coordinator at [email protected] or by phone at 609-258-9350.